Europe's Rail – Europe's largest program for research and innovation for an efficient rail system


Europe's Rail, abbreviated EU-Rail, is a European partnership that started in November 2021 and took over from the previous partnership Shift2Rail. The program is financed with 1.2 billion euros, which is distributed via various research calls until 2027.

The Swedish Transport Administration participates as one of the founding members and carries out research, innovation and demonstration together with industry players and the research community.
- Our ambition is to develop a Europe that fits the digital age with an economy that works for people and a stronger Europe in the world. Within Europe's Rail, we are focused on accelerating the development and introduction of innovations in the railway network so that the railway becomes more attractive and competitive, says Bo Olsson, program manager at the Swedish Transport Administration.

The program takes a comprehensive approach to the development of railways in Europe. Via research calls, large parts of railway Europe are involved with participants from the research community, operators, infrastructure managers, maintenance contractors, manufacturers, etc. to contribute to the work of building a more competitive and resource-efficient European mobility and transport system with the railway at its core.

- We are at our best in Europe when we work together. It is especially important when it comes to mastering the challenges of digital transformation. It affects us all and does not stop at national borders. Just like climate change. Now we are mobilizing the resources so that we can jointly use digital technology, not least in the interest of our green transition, says Margrethe Vestager, deputy CEO of the European Commission's target area "A Europe equipped for the digital age".

Sustainable, efficient freight transport by rail
An overall aim of the program is to contribute to the EU's objective of a "European Green Deal". This includes, among other things, moving a significant part of the freight transport that goes by road today, to rail and shipping.

Another essential enabler is to increase the use of digital technology in the railway industry as a whole. Here we want to create the conditions for longer and heavier trains, digital automatic coupling (DAC), automated train management (ATO), digital graph and connected driver support (C-DAS), automated and digitized railway maintenance with several innovative solutions.

- As participants in the program, we both contribute to and benefit from the objective of strengthening the industry, creating jobs and developing a sustainable, interconnected European railway system, says Bo.

Europe's Rail has been formed under Horizon Europe, the EU's ninth framework program for research and innovation. The full name is Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking and was established by the EU on 19 November 2021. The EU's Horizon Europe framework program runs between 2020 and 2027

trafikverket europes rail co-funded by the european union

Europe’s Rail – a common European railway system - Industry (