CPC Tracking

Vi finns i monter A08:10

Our company's main goal is to reduce the operating costs of our clients. With our tracking device and the hardware behind it, it is possible for you to monitor various parts in your locomotive with real-time data, which ensures, that the locomotive is up to date on all fronts.

This is the core value of CPC Tracking, however, we monitor many more things. Visit us at A08:10, where we can have a conversation about reducing your costs!
Hitta oss på kartan


  • Telematic


  • IT-system och programvaror
  • Drift, underhåll och service


  • Oil quality monitoring Illiminates the need for physical oil test.
    Our remote oil quality monitoring will help you optimize the invervals between oil change and warn you if the water, diesel or metal polutes the oil.

  • Dash Cam Online video recording and streaming to the cloud.
    This gives immidiate access to quality documentation in case of an accident.


CPC Tracking

Sören Frichs Vej 38K, 1.sal Kontor 9 8230  Aabyhoej Danmark